Suspended Thoughts.


During the cold, winter months, coffee is best shared with someone you love ;j (photo credits…from one of my gal pals)

JANUARY. For many places around the world, it is the coldest month. For many hopefuls around the world, it is the month for resolutions and for starting new hobbies or setting new goals. However for me, January is simply the sexiest month of the year. Well I thought to myself, before another sexy January ends, I’d like to do a new year’s resolution that I’ve had for ages. So as i sip some English tea in an effort to keep myself warm, I am finally hitting the keys to set up this blog or else it’s never gonna happen in this lifetime. I have been wanting to make one but I’ve always been too lazy to do so until many January’s have passed me by. Just for the record, I don’t know how long I will be able to keep this going. Nonetheless, here goes my very first blog post. I’ve got loads of ideas but don’t know where to start. Say…shall I start with Suspended Thoughts?

My blog’s name is obviously a twist on the concept of a suspended coffee. A suspended coffee is a cup of coffee paid for in advance by somebody in a cafe. So that when another somebody (without money) comes in, he/she can get and enjoy a nice, hot drink. I guess the heart of this blog is all about sharing…a little bit of randomness for charity. Everything that I shall be posting here is something that I am willing to share to whoever is willing to partake and appreciate. Therefore in a true “suspended-coffee fashion”, expect suspended opinions, suspended reviews, suspended travels, suspended poetry, suspended songs, suspended recipes, suspended photos and videos, suspended rants, suspended whatevahsss…the list goes on.

Now if only I could figure out two things…how to justify these paragraphs and how to end this post…

Singkititay ♥

P.S. I think I just did both.

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